"Goodbye 2024!"

2025?? 2025!!
This is my annual post about what I was up to the past year!

2024 was a year of growing up! I moved into an apartment, upgraded my computer, and turned 28! I also played Mine Blocks with the community every week, wrote monthly devlog posts, and dove into Blender 3D.

It was also the year Mine Blocks 2 was revived!

I'm currently mid-way through creating a video about "Grumbler", but I'll put that on hold so I can make the 2025 Projects video first.

Below is a list of all the things I accomplished this year!
Be sure to check out the devlog posts for each month. They do a great job of summarizing what I was up to. A lot happened behind the scenes each month that I wrote about! :D

Previous years' posts:
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Red: Game updates
Green: Video
Grey: Milestones
Blue: Monthly devlog













Okay yes, 90% of that was my devlog posts lol, but honestly that's just how development is sometimes!
For example, it took around 7 months of work to remake Mine Blocks 2, so the most I could share was progress updates until it released.

The long wait between projects isn't ideal, so I've been posting essentially daily progress to my Patreon chat on Discord.
I also make those monthly devlogs - just be a free member to get those like a newsletter. Or get the full access by being a patron!

I'm absolutely looking forward to my upcoming projects in 2025!
I plan to work on Mine Blocks 1.32, Fynnland, and some sort of multiplayer game. Plus, I've got a couple fun videos to make!

I hope YOU have a lovely new year. Write in the comments what you're looking forward to in 2025! :D

Happy 2025!
- Zanz

Posted 2 months ago.
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