Here's another small patch for Mine Blocks, thanks to your feedback and bug reports on the Discord and in the comments on these posts!
To see the previous changelogs, check out the 1.29 and 1.29.1 posts.
See below for the full Mine Blocks 1.29.2 changelog!

You can now summon a sheep with a specific wool color! 
Always backup your worlds before playing!
The Full Mine Blocks 1.29.2 Changelog:
- Added "color" mob data tag for sheep wool and dog collars
- Fixed hunger effect and added an effect icon for it
- Performance improvements for rain and snow
- Wolves attack speed more than doubled
- Explosions do twice as much damage
- Item data now compares properly, fixing several item and inventory bugs
- Fixed lag spike caused by autosave
- Entering a lightning command without parameters no longer randomizes the position
- Pressing remapped "open inventory" key no longer opens creative search - Brendan887
- Fall speed is no longer retained after death - Brendan887
- Instant damage now triggers player hurt animation - Brendan887
- Projectiles can no longer collide with mobs during their death animation - Brendan887
- Projectiles no longer collide with player when thrown slowly - Brendan887
- Dogs can no longer attack while sitting - Brendan887
- "sheared", "size", "color", and "tamed" drop data properties apply properly - yeeee
- Health display is no longer inaccurate - yeeee
- Cauldrons now require a pickaxe to mine - yeeee
- Spiders drop spider eyes again - aguythatplaysthis
- Increased maximum size of world loaded with "load file" - Crystal
- Knockback enchantment no longer pushes mobs only to the right - CarlinhosGD
- X button closes EXE again when on main menu - PLM8GPL
- Falling blocks properly reset block data - Flowershirt
- Fixed cow hurt sound - WSDguy2014
- Rain no longer travels through liquids - Rice Stranger Ranger 9000
What else is new?
I fixed a couple things in my Haxe game engine, which is always nice! I've been doing a bit of research into WebGL optimizations, and boy do I have a lot to learn. But it's a bit of a rabbit hole, and I can address those improvements after I start porting Mine Blocks to Haxe.
Last weekend I went to GDEX with my co-workers! It was a really cool experience, and I had a lot of fun! We even won a Best in Show for Sound Design!
Here we are being excited and exhausted at the same time!
That's about it for now, but there'll be more news pretty soon!
In the meantime, hope you enjoy the Mine Blocks fixes! Cya!
- Zanz