"Mine Blocks AS3 - DevLog 3!"

Hey! Woah, two posts in one day.

This is a follow up on this post: Mine Blocks AS3 - DevLog 2!

For the last year I've been working on porting Mine Blocks to ActionScript 3.0. At first it was HUUUGE task, but now it's actually... "almost done"! I've tested most of the basic parts of the game, and they work really well, apart from a some small (and one large) bugs. Also, I did not get to test some of the bigger things, like the nether, the ender, and enchantments.
But in general, as far as the port goes, it's almost done, but with minor features to finish and weird bugs to fix. After that, I can spend more time adding new stuff! Cool beans.

But wait, there's more! Lol, I have exciting news, and a lot of sneak peeks at the next update!

The update would be pointless if there were no new features, right? Well, I'm finally at the point where I can add new content to the update without worrying about glitches! So, as I continue the port, I've been adding some really exciting new features, and polishing up the game even more!

I'll let you see for yourself. See if you can spot the 11 (or so) changes and additions to the game! Here's a video of the update:

SPOILER ALERT!Here's a sneak peek at some of the new features in the next update! I see 11 changes in this one video.

Posted by Mine Blocks on Thursday, May 21, 2015

I've also been making sure to fix a bunch of bugs from the last updates too! So far there are over 50 bug fixes and tweaks to the game since the last update. Rafts? Cooked beef? Acid? Shears? All fixed.

I think my favorite bug fix so far is that the lighting no longer has white lines or boxes! Here's a picture of it:

Image of fixed lighting

Well... I don't want to spoil too much... ;) but I will leave you with one last video. Enjoy!

Another secret video!

Posted by Mine Blocks on Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tell me what you think in the comments! Cya!
- Zanz

Posted 8 years ago.
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