"Server Stuff!"

My current hosting plan is starting to cause problems with the site. The problems started a little while ago when the site hit a peak of popularity that caused my hosting service to force me into temporarily taking down Mine Blocks. Now, it's grown even more since, causing very frequent error 500s.

I'm looking into possible hosting services I can buy that will get me a strong, reliable, fully-managed, fast server that doesn't break the bank. I found a few possible options, but I still have to do some research in order to make the right decision.

Think of it like this: Pretend I'm hosting a party, and all of you guys are invited. Unfortunately the floorboards are a bit old, and only 25 people can be in the dance room at once. The people that aren't in the dance room have to float around in room #500. In order to let more people come to the dance room, all I need to do is buy new floorboards (the server). So don't worry, this isn't a bad thing. It's just an inconvenience for those of you who keep getting stuck in room #500, haha.

If you'd like to help me pay for the new floorboards (the server), you can donate here! You don't have to, but it would be very very nice of you, and I would really appreciate your contribution to the site!

Also, sorry I had to pause the comments for a while. Just remember, there's a chat room on the Mine Blocks page if you want to talk about your age and stuff. And there is Facebook and Twitter too! I'd rather you keep the comments on the posts relevant. Sorry! I love talking to you, of course -- I just don't want things to go crazy in the comments of these posts, in particular.

Thanks again for your support and patience. Your lemon,
- Zanz

Posted 11 years ago.
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