"Dynamole Results & Mine Blocks 1.26.4!"

Oh hey!

The Ludum Dare #29 results have been posted!
Out of about 1500 games, my submission, Dynamole, made 48th 50th place overall! It also made 16th place in 'fun'. :D

See below for a timelapse of the first couple days I developed it. Unfortunately, the stream glitched out on the last day so I lost the footage for it.

Play Dynamole

View Ludum Dare result page for Dynamole

Also I must mention that Mine Blocks 1.26.4 will be coming out soon!! It's one of those smaller releases, with lots of bug fixes and a couple small additions. As of right now the update is in the testing phase. You should expect it to release within the next week!

On that note... you guys keep asking for multiplayer, mods, and texture packs. Noooo xD! None of these will be in Mine Blocks. Multiplayer and texture packs are going to be added to Mine Blocks 2 though (texture packs are already in Mine Blocks 2) :D Please remember that on April Fools, I'm a bit crazy, lol!

Anyway, see ya!

Posted 10 years ago.
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