"Ludum Dare 28!"

Hey y'allz!

This weekend (Friday through Sunday) is the Ludum Dare competition! I'm super excited to participate again! :)
View the times and other information: LudumDare.com.

As always, the theme is announced when the competition starts, so I have no clue what I'll be making yet. But that's fine, because it makes it much more challenging!
Hopefully GhostID can join too! He already mentioned that he wanted to :D

I will be live streaming on Twitch.tv, so follow my account to get notified when I go live! I'd love to see you guys there and chat with you! I'll have the stream running on my home page too. And lastly, I'll be trying to keep my Twitter updated as the event happens.

My past Ludum Dare games!

- Zanzlanz (spinning smiley face)

Posted 11 years ago.
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