"Here, Comes!"
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I filled you in!

It's time again for Ludum Dare to start. Quite Ludum Dare indeed! I'm pretty excited again; it will only be my second full Ludum Dare experience! Jawn and Josh-EXE are joining too (they're my friends!). Unfortunately, GhostID's internet is down, so I don't know if he can participate.

Ho ho ho! It's Christmas time! Yes, I do have a present for you!
Mine Blocks 1.24 will be released some time before Christmas. The update doesn't have anything crazy in it this time (I sure jumped the shark that last time!), but rather just a ton of tweaks, bug fixes, and small additions. After I get all of these small things out of the way, I can start thinking about bigger things!

Bigger things. That reminds me. I love working on Mine Blocks, but I haven't started any new projects lately, so I'm thinking of new game ideas and projects to start. Luckily, I have winter break coming up soon. You can be sure that I'll use that time to work like crazy!

Happy Holidays!
- Zanzlanz

Posted 12 years ago.
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